CONTENT/ TRIGGER WARNING: The word ‘abuser’ is used once by Jackie (3.49) and repeated by me (5.22). No details of abuse are explored.
Today we meet Jackie. Jackie is very experienced working with her system and the inner world of her Parts.
A 9 year old Part who believes that if she keeps eating she can protect Jackie.
Throughout the session I was in awe of Jackie’s capacity to be with her Parts and the level of trust that existed. At times I noticed uncertainty in my system around whether Self, a Self like Part or another Part was leading.
I had a Part who wanted to step in to clarify and tease out these details, however there such a flow to the work it felt counter intuitive to disrupt this. As I asked my Part to soften back, I noticed an increase in confidence in Jackie and her system to know the way.
About a third of the way through (18.50) I asked the little girl if she had anything in or around her body she no longer needed. As there was still more for her to share with Jackie this question would have been more useful later in the session.
Half way through I suspected there was a Part attempting to lead – ‘She’s not going to be the bad one anymore’. I could have stepped in here naming this as coming from a Part and asking for more space.
Following the session Jackie has been to visit her little one several times in their gathering space.
"Listening to the recording together brought us even closer. She has reminded me in small ways that we agreed she's not to blame or seen as "the bad one" which has continued to have her feel seen and protected."
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Here's to food freedom, today and everyday!
The sessions shared in the Going Inside Project podcast are for informational and educational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and do not constitute a provider-patient relationship. The sessions may, at times, reference sensitive topics including but not limited to disordered eating, eating disorders and relational trauma. You are advised to refrain from listening if you are likely to be triggered or adversely impacted by any of these topics. Neither Celia Clark Online Ltd, associates nor guests, shall at any time be liable for the content covered causing offense, distress or any other reaction. No portion of the podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise without the written permission of Celia Clark Online. Copyright 2023 Celia Clark Online. All Rights Reserved.

In case we haven't met yet, I'm Celia, a therapist and course creator who helps smart, sensitive women all over the world do the deeper work so they can finally be at peace with food, their body and themselves.
I am super creative and love learning new ways to share what I know, so that women no longer have to carry the toxic stories they have been told about their bodies and about their place in this world. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than witnessing a woman heal and step into her light.
I also share my passion for the Parts Work approach with other therapists, so they too, can integrate this compassionate, holistic and deeply transformative approach into their practice.