In this session we meet Alissa who connects with 2 younger Parts who focus on sugar to meet need. This focus began influencing eating patterns in childhood and continue to drive these patterns in adult life. Alissa connects to both Parts and we learn more about their roles and positive intentions. She supports one Part to be fully released from her role and deepens the connection with the other for future work.
Key Parts
A young Part who keeps a secret stash of treats just in case
A young Part who believes the focus on health is BS (e.g. salad is stupid).
Other Parts
A teenage Part who doesn’t want Alissa to mess this up
A Part who is in denial about health issues
A Part who wants to delay focusing on health
A Part who wants to indulge while it still can
A Part who wants to clean up the diet and take action now (e.g. why wait?)
A Part who narrates, giving context and interpretation.
It was tricky for Alissa to locate Parts in her body however, she had clear visuals of her Parts so we worked with her system in this way. Early in the session I spoke to the 2 young Parts using more adult language when it was clear they were really young. It would have been more supportive if I had been more attuned with my language from the offset.
Alissa really embodied the energy of these young Parts so it felt like I was really with them. I noticed how helpful this was in feeling more connected as the session progressed.
After the young girl Part had been released from her role and we returned to the young boy Part I felt I could have done more to develop a Self to Part connection to build safety. He feels key in protecting Alissa from going without, given her earlier experiences. I would have loved more time with him as I had so many questions!
Fun, connection, freedom.
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Here's to food freedom, today and everyday!
The sessions shared in the Going Inside Project podcast are for informational and educational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and do not constitute a provider-patient relationship. The sessions may, at times, reference sensitive topics including but not limited to disordered eating, eating disorders and relational trauma. You are advised to refrain from listening if you are likely to be triggered or adversely impacted by any of these topics. Neither Celia Clark Online Ltd, associates nor guests, shall at any time be liable for the content covered causing offense, distress or any other reaction. No portion of the podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise without the written permission of Celia Clark Online. Copyright 2023 Celia Clark Online. All Rights Reserved.

In case we haven't met yet, I'm Celia, a therapist and course creator who helps smart, sensitive women all over the world do the deeper work so they can finally be at peace with food, their body and themselves.
I am super creative and love learning new ways to share what I know, so that women no longer have to carry the toxic stories they have been told about their bodies and about their place in this world. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than witnessing a woman heal and step into her light.
I also share my passion for the Parts Work approach with other therapists, so they too, can integrate this compassionate, holistic and deeply transformative approach into their practice.